Spring Launch and Preparations

Exciting news:  We learned in mid-April that WoodenBoat Magazine’s May/June  issue 262 not only has Matt Murphy’s article about the restoration of KATIE MACK in it, but also features her on the cover! All the more reason to make sure we get down to Mystic Seaport for WoodenBoat’s annual boat show in late June.

WoodenBoat Magazine #262

Friday, June 1 – Friday, June 8, 2018   Preparations

While we thoroughly enjoyed our winter on Martha’s Vineyard, where Hugh had secured a locum tenens job as a family doc at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, and I volunteered my way into a part-time job at Island Alpaca Co., we were ready to head back to Maine on June 1st to resume our Katie Mack Adventure. 

Hugh focused on the narrow Royal River channel

KATIE MACK was launched on the 4th, and commissioning, sea trials, provisioning, and errands commenced.  The cruises up and down the Royal River were so much fun!  The well-marked channel is extremely narrow, with mud flats extending to the river bank at low tide.  Lots of herons and osprey.  Aboard KATIE MACK, there is a place for everything, and everything in its place, or it doesn’t come aboard.  It was fun to have our friend, Beth,  along for some of the sea trials as we stayed with her when we flew out to Tacoma, WA to look at KATIE MACK back in May 2013.  It’s been a long time coming, but we are finally living aboard!  Destination: Mystic CT for the 27th Annual WoodenBoat Show, this time as Exhibitors rather than visitors.

Thanks for your help with the herbs and spices, Beth!

 Anyone wishing to follow our progress, can “follow the blue dots” from our Garmin InReach satellite tracker by clicking this link: inr.ch/SN726TR.